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Standard post published to Berggren Law Offices PLLC at April 25 2022 22:00

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Raleigh

Filing for bankruptcy is a wise move to protect some of your properties and assets from liquidation or repossession. But when you don't file for chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy correctly and on time, you will likely lose all your assets depending on the debts you have. An experienced Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney in Raleigh like William G. Berggren of Berggren Law Offices, PLLC will help you navigate through bankruptcy. Our attorney will craft an error-free petition and collect supporting documents for the case. This will ensure that your case is not dismissed or delayed. We will also offer legal advice to help you make crucial decisions during this time. Visit our websites to book an appointment, and we will be happy to help you with your case.


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